'Scientist find bovine colostrum* can massively reduce leaky gut syndrome'
(Seperti tersiar dalam The Medical News pada 24 Februari 2011)

Maksud perut bocor dari sudut perubatan ialah kegagalan dinding usus menghalang bahan-bahan toksin dalam makanan daripada meresap ke dalam sistem peredaran darah.

Kegagalan ini menyebabkan bahan-bahan toksin masuk ke dalam sistem peredaran darah bersama-sama zat-zat makanan terhadam. Bahan toksin tersebut akan dibawa ke hati untuk dineutralkan. Ini menyebabkan beban kerja hati bertambah.
Limpahan bahan toksin menyebabkan hati tidak berupaya meneutralkannya. Lantas bahan toksin itu dihantar ke tisu tubuh untuk disimpan supaya tidak meracuni organ-organ penting.

'Simpanan toksin' ini sangat merbahaya kepada kesihatan kerana dalam keadaan tubuh yang kurang sihat, toksin tersebut akan kembali ke dalam sistem peredaran darah dan meracuni organ-organ penting seperti jantung, buah pinggang dan paru-paru.

Bagi mencegah limpahan toksin ke dalam sistem peredaran darah, tatkala berlakunya kebocoran perut itu, sistem penghadaman akan berusaha melepaskan kandungan dalam usus. Maka mangsa akan menderita cirit-birit, kejang perut dan keradangan dalam perut. Badan mangsa akan kehilangan air dalam jumlah yang banyak. Suhu dalaman boleh meningkat dan merosakkan organ dalam tubuh.

Olahragawan dan ahli-ahli sukan kerap mengadu serangan sindrom perut bocor ini, terutamanya ketika melakukan latihan fizikal dan mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan.
'Professor Ray Playford said: "Athletes' performance can be seriously diminished due to gut symptoms during heavy exercise. We have been looking at natural approaches to reduce this problem as the range of products that athletes can legitimately take is very limited. Our findings suggest colostrum may have real value in helping our athletes perform.'
*Kolostrum terbaik dalam pasaran pengguna ialah Alpha Lipid Colostrum yang mengandungi kolostrum gred terbaik dari New Zealand.

" ... A research group led by Ray Playford, Professor of Medicine at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry looked at athletes who were asked to run for 20 minutes at 80 per cent of their aerobic maximum.
At the end of the exercise, changes in the subjects gut leakiness were measured using urine sample - also determined were changes in the athletes' core temperature.
Under standard conditions, gut leakiness had increased by 250 per cent and temperature had risen by 2 degrees.
However, when the group were given a drink of dairy colostrum for two weeks before the trial, the rise in gut leakiness was reduced by about 80 per cent, despite the same effort and temperature rise.
Gut disorders induced by exercise are common in runners - the body's response to increased permeability is to clear the gut contents, giving rise to symptoms such as diarrhoea to avoid toxins from gut organisms entering the bloodstream, as these lead to heatstroke which can result in damage to the internal organs.
Professor Playford's research identified changes in gut barrier function in laboratory studies: gut cells were cultured at normal 37 degrees body heat and at 39 degrees to replicate the temperature after exercise.
The death rate of gut cells was much increased at the higher temperature yet when colostrum* was added to the culture medium the rise in cell death rate was reduced by two thirds."
*Kolostrum terbaik dalam pasaran pengguna ialah Alpha Lipid Colostrum yang mengandungi kolostrum gred terbaik dari New Zealand.
Ini pula artikel dalam ScienceDaily: