“Amerika mesti diajar kerana keangkuhannya menaja keganasan Israel di Gaza. Barangan dan perkhidmatan Amerika mesti diboikot. Dengan berbuat demikian raksasa Amerika dapat ditundukkan dan kebiadapan Yahudi dapat dibalas.”
For starters, consumers who boycott limit their choices, settling for inferior or costlier substitutes, which means they deny themselves value for money. They hurt themselves in trying to hurt the producers of the boycotted products.
Second, it is morally wrong to punish the producers who hardly have anything to do with the policies of the countries they originate from or operate in.
Third, inadvertently, local workers employed by these companies in the host country will eventually bear their brunt of such boycotts.
Fourth, boycotts represent a double-edged sword as they invite retaliation, putting a country's own products at grave risk in export markets.
Fifth, the multinational corporations, which are usually targeted, are often a voice of moderation in their home countries, as they are affected by foreign policies pursued by their home governments.
Sixth, such actions may impede investment inflows by sending the wrong message to potential foreign investors.
The list may go on and on, but the upshot in a nutshell is that a country may end up as net loser without achieving the main objective, namely justice for the Palestinians.”