A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE: THE MEMOIRS of TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, hasil tangan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang diusahakannya selama 8 tahun telah sampai ke meja saya semalam.
Tun: Mind you, I write long hand. I don't type, that's why it took such a long time. There are several chapters which I found hard to write as I was writing about myself and I didn't want to be seen as promoting myself or to sound boastful. (NST 9 Mac 2011)
Tun: It’s a memoir about myself but if you write something that people might think you’re praising yourself, people might get fed up about the book. So I try to write more about the country so it won’t be too directly linked with what I did. I tried to avoid being boastful...While writing this, I reread The Malay Dilemma and I think I need to go back to that book and write something about the new Malay dilemma. That when you are poor, you have a dilemma and when you are rich, you have a bigger dilemma. (Sun2Surf, 9 Mac 2011)
TERIMA KASIH TUN kerana menghadiahkan A Doctor In The House kepada kami. Hadiah ini lebih tinggi nilainya berbanding segala sumbangan Tun kepada negara sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia selama 22 tahun.
[A Doctor In The House (2011), edisi kulit keras - penerbit: MPH Publishing, tebal: 843 muka surat tidak termasuk 40 muka surat bergambar, harga: RM100 (12 sen semuka surat)]
Tun: Mind you, I write long hand. I don't type, that's why it took such a long time. There are several chapters which I found hard to write as I was writing about myself and I didn't want to be seen as promoting myself or to sound boastful. (NST 9 Mac 2011)
Tun: It’s a memoir about myself but if you write something that people might think you’re praising yourself, people might get fed up about the book. So I try to write more about the country so it won’t be too directly linked with what I did. I tried to avoid being boastful...While writing this, I reread The Malay Dilemma and I think I need to go back to that book and write something about the new Malay dilemma. That when you are poor, you have a dilemma and when you are rich, you have a bigger dilemma. (Sun2Surf, 9 Mac 2011)
TERIMA KASIH TUN kerana menghadiahkan A Doctor In The House kepada kami. Hadiah ini lebih tinggi nilainya berbanding segala sumbangan Tun kepada negara sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia selama 22 tahun.
[A Doctor In The House (2011), edisi kulit keras - penerbit: MPH Publishing, tebal: 843 muka surat tidak termasuk 40 muka surat bergambar, harga: RM100 (12 sen semuka surat)]