Tunggul disangka hantu kerana terlalu kerap menonton filem seram atau membaca kisah seram atau mendengar cerita seram. Terkadang, arca sendiri pada cermin pun disangka hantu!
Barangkali rakan bloggers kita yang distress itu telah membaca artikel yang bertajuk The United States of America: A Country and a Constitution IN DISTRESS! yang disiarkan oleh PrideDEPOT.com seperti di bawah:
The United States of America
A Country and a Constitution IN DISTRESS!
UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 36,CHAPTER 10, §176. (a). Respect for flag states: "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
Open Letter to EVERY MEMBER of the United States Congress,
This country is in crisis! We are in dire distress as we sit and watch this administration destroy our democracy at its very foundation by ignoring the rule of law for nothing more than the accumulation of power, for powers sake. Baca selanjutnya.
Imej ini - yang disiarkan oleh flickr - pun boleh merangsang daya imaginasi dan fenomena ilusi seseorang di negara ini serta menjadikannya pengidap distress: